Walk for Earth

And post a video!

Walk for earth Staring on
Earth Day 
April 22nd

This is What you need to know

Choose a route that is 4,6km long

Each one meter represents 1 million years.

Take a video or pictures of the walk and send it to us. We will post each video/picture on this webpage. Submit the videos on the top of this page.

Visit www.deeptimewalk.org if you want to downlad an app that narrates the story of our earth during the 4,6km walk.


Our Earth is 4,6 billion years old. And the history of our home, planet earth is unique and besutiful. Did you know, that much of life as we know it has only been created during the last moments of earths entire history?


Get inspired by Jarvis Smith ft Rita Morar cove “Save the World”.

Raise money for Planet earth by playing the song, the more you play, the more funds are raised. 

Learn more here: https://www.jarvissmith.com/music

All entries for the campaign can be found here

No entry yet, be the first!

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Women behind the idea

We love walking – walking in the city, in nature, with people or without people. And walking can take many forms as we have learned – you do not always need to have legs to walk. And more and more places are becoming accesible for people from all walks of life. 

We designed this campaign, to encourage people to take a look back at the amazing planet we have, and the long history of it. And how much wisdom it holds. In a very short amount of time, we have exploited our earth, which has developed the richness we enjoy over billions of years. Our perspective of time has become severly twisted, as a humans life is, after all, very short. 

Encouraging people to take a 4,6km walk, does not require money. You can do it anywhere, so it is not dependent on your location. You can do it with friends or by listening to music. And it also encourages good health and wellbeing. 

Some of us, might not be able to do the full 4,6km. But potentially, you can make it shorter, and still manage to get the story and perspective of our earths history. 

We are looking forward, to the participation of as many as possible! And we look forward to the images, videos and stories that are shared while taking a moment to enjoy or beaautiful home, earth. 

Tina Karme

CEO and Chair of Sustory
Chair 2022 Initiative Foundation

Helena Lindemark

 Founder 2022 Initiative Foundation, 
Founder of Sustainable Sweden Ab

Why do we need to inspire change?

We recognize that millions of people are affected negatively by a changing climate, biodiversity loss, negative news, health issues, and much more. For many, it seems like uncertainty is the only stable thing at the moment. Is it time to talk about good during and after, while the wounds are still wide open?

We believe it is, and that it is essential. The future is foggy, in some cases scary, but we have the power and the possibility of steering the direction. We are in the driver’s seat.

The world is facing a change faster than ever before, and we humans have a fantastic ability to adapt. It is now that we need to make sense of what we want to accomplish, how it will be accomplished, world we want to live in. We want to work on imagining and designing the future and make sense of the change we are facing.

We welcome all to participate in the challenge, of developing a more resilient sustainable “normal”. Welcome to share all the amazing things that are happening in the world, and all the initiatives that are making the future we want to live, see and be.


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